Thursday, January 8, 1998

Thunderstruck - Thunder recap for January 8, 1998

"Gentleman" Chris Adams beats "Macho Man" Randy Savage after Lex Luger shows up out of nowhere and hits Savage with a steel chair shot to the head before getting him back in the ring. After the match, WCW Executive Committee Chairman J.J. Dillon is seen talking to the referee.

"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff show up. Bischoff says there is nothing wrong with the nWo and that Hogan will get the World title back, and Hogan says that as he was laying out on Daytona Beach, all the women in the bikinis told him he was the man and that he beat Sting for the three count. Hogan says we will see the video proof that he is still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, as he is the only world heavyweight champion in the world and that this is the way it was, is and always will be. Hogan then says he likes all the "crybaby tears" painted on all the Sting masks, as Sting will never beat the man who made wrestling and gave everybody someone to believe in.

This week on WCW Saturday Night: Diamond Dallas Page! Glacier! Booker T! Chris Jericho and many others!

Mike Tenay interviews WCW Executive Committee Chairman J.J. Dillon at ringside. J.J. Dillon mentions the statement from Nick Lambros last week about holding people accountable for their actions, and that he observed Lex Luger running into the ring and striking "Macho Man" Randy Savage in the head with a steel chair in Savage's match with "Gentleman" Chris Adams. He reverses the decision of the previous match, announcing that Savage is the winner of the previous match by reverse decision. Lex Luger shows up and mentions how WCW has been trashed for the last year and a half by the nWo, questions Dillon being a man of action now and says he and the people are sick and tired. If Dillon wants to take action with him, that is fine, but he is tired of decisions favoring the nWo and says it is time for WCW to take matters into their own hands. He has talked to Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, Sting and every other wrestler in WCW, and Dillon can do what he has to do while WCW does what they want. He also asks where WCW was during recent events where he had been horribly attacked, then says he and every other wrestler in WCW are going to do what they have to do. Luger leaves, then Dillon says he is just trying to do his job, and his decision stands.

Rick Martel beats Louie Spicolli with the Quebec Crab. During the match, Raven, Billy Kidman, Lodi, Van Hammer and Scotty Riggs show up and take their seats in the front row.

Mike Tenay guests on commentary for the next match.

Hiroyoshi Tenzan beats Michiyoshi Ohara.

Before the next match, Chris Jericho says he stands before the fans an embarrassed, ashamed and changed man. Jericho says that his behavior over the last few weeks has been atrocious, and that the real Chris Jericho is not the sniveling, whiny baby that the people have been watching every week; instead, it is the man everyone places on a pedestal, watches on TV every week and views as a role model. He apologizes to ring announcer David Penzer and presents him a suit jacket, then apologizes to the fans before saying this will never, ever again.

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair beats Chris Jericho with the Figure Four Leg Lock. After the match, Chris Jericho has another temper tantrum, tearing ring announcer David Penzer's suit jacket in the process.

The Giant beats Meng. During the match, it is announced that "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart is official for Souled Out, as is The Giant vs. Kevin Nash.

Bill Goldberg beats Steve "Mongo" McMichael.

The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships against Buff Bagwell and Konnan. Just like on Nitro, Scott wins it without the help of Rick.

Eric Bischoff vs. "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko for control of Nitro with Bret "The Hit Man" Hart as special guest referee from Starrcade is replayed.

Mike Tenay interviews "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko ays the moment of truth for Scott Hall is rapidly approaching, and he wants to know if Scott Hall can beat him at his own game. He remembered how impressive Scott Hall was when he started and how Hall could not beat him for the world title. Zbyszko tells Scott Hall he took him to the crossroads of greatness, and he took the easy way out. He then tells Scott Hall he is "sitting on a first-class seat on the ship of fools heading straight out to Larry Land." Zbyszko then tells Hall he can still beat him, that he has retired men who make Hall look like Mother Theresa, and that he was wrestling all over the world while Scott Hall was "in some grade school picking his nose." He then says he changed wrestling history in August 1980, and that at Souled Out, he will change The New World Order for life.

Ray Traylor beats Scott Hall after "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko distracts Hall after stopping him from using a steel chair as a weapon.

Juventud Guerrera beats Ultimo Dragon to become the WCW Cruiserweight Champion! During the match, it is announced that a $5,000 fine has been levied against Scott Steiner for inadvertently striking the referee in the back of the head earlier in the show.

Mike Tenay interviews Bret "The Hit Man" Hart in the ring. Bret says that for years, he has called himself "the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be" and that he knows "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair takes exception to that, but he has nothing but respect for Flair and all of his accomplishments. At the same time, however, he believes in himself and that he has accomplished a lot of things, and now that he is in WCW, he has no other choice but to prove himself all over again. Bret says he will not stop until he proves once again that he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Suddenly, Ric Flair shows up, and says that since last week, a thousand people have told him to get Bret to say his signature phrase with him in the ring and to say his "coming around the mountain again" phrase from earlier this week. Bret tells Flair he will find out he is the best there is, was and ever will be and that he will prove it at Souled Out. Flair says that in the last 25 years, some people have said stupid things to him, and says that was one of the stupidest. Flair admits that Bret comes from a great background, but while Bret was in the WWF, he went around the world 13 times, and he resents Bret saying that he is better than him. Bret says that "to be the mean, I guess I'll have to beat the man." Bret tries to leave, but Flair stops him and tells him that he will find out at Souled Out that it is not just being the man; it is staying the man.

Despite the distraction from Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger beats Scott Norton with the Torture Rack after kicking out of Norton's shoulder breaker. After the match, Bagwell is put in the Torture Rack, and "Macho Man' Randy Savage runs into the ring only for Bagwell to be dropped on top of him.

Unaired footage from the "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan vs. Sting match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship after last week's Nitro is shown. After referee Randy Anderson inadvertently falls victim to a Stinger Splash meant for Hogan, Sting gets Hogan in the Scorpion Death Lock. Nick Patrick runs into the ring and tells Sting to make the break, but Sting notices him. Sting is about to beat up Patrick when Hogan hits Sting from behind. Nick Patrick then makes the count after Hogan gets Sting in a schoolboy pin with a handful of tights. Nick Patrick hands the WCW World Heavyweight Championship to Hogan after calling for the bell, but Sting knocks Nick Patrick out of the ring and starts fighting Hogan again. Sting gets Hogan in the Scorpion Death Lock again, and Sting wins it. WCW Executive Committee Chairman J.J. Dillon shows up to hand the WCW World Heavyweight Championship to Sting, but Eric Bischoff gets in the ring and knees Dillon in the gut in an attempt to take the World title away only to fall victim to a Scorpion Death Drop. The rest of The New World Order runs into the ring, and Sting falls victim to the numbers game. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart then runs into the ring and fights the nWo along with Sting along with Diamond Dallas Page, Ray Traylor, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and other members of the WCW locker room.

Mike Tenay interviews WCW Executive Committee Chairman J.J. Dillon, who says that a final, binding decision on "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan vs. Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on last week's Nitro. Dillon asks for "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan to come to the ring. Hogan heads to the ring with Eric Bischoff and the rest of The New World Order. Dillon then asks for Sting to come to the ring with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, and Sting heads to the ring with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, now with the black "nWo" spraypaint cleaned off the center plate. Dillon announces that effective immediately, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship is held up and vacant until a decision is made as to what to do from here. Dillon then asks Sting to hand him the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Sting takes off the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and throws it down in front of Dillon, then points his baseball bat at Dillon and tells him "You've got no guts." Sting then tells Hogan that he is a dead man.

Diamond Dallas Page retains the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship against Kevin Nash by disqualification after "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan punches DDP in the gut as he gets Kevin Nash in the Diamond Cutter. After the match, The Giant gets in the ring and states down with Kevin Nash, and both men go at it to end the show.

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