Thursday, August 8, 2013

Final Impact - Impact Wrestling Recap for August 8, 2013

Tazz bullies Mike Tenay out of the building.

Aces and Eights - Tazz, Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson, at least - show up. Tazz and Mr. Anderson bully Jeremy Borash before they join him on commentary. Bully Ray threatens to slap Tito Ortiz if Ortiz gets in his way. He's also angry about being in a tag match with Devon against Chris Sabin and a member of Main Event Mafia. He calls out Sabin, who shows up. After Sabin shoots some insults at Bully, Bully calls out Hulk Hogan. Brooke Hogan shows up instead (and with the contract for the Bully-Sabin match), and says Hulk Hogan is out of town talking to the TNA Board of Directors, and they are holding Bully Ray to the law with his current contract and his match with Sabin. According to an e-mail, if Bully Ray loses to Chris Sabin at Hardcore Justice next week, he can never go for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship ever again. Bully Ray signs the contract when Brooke enters the ring and gives it to him, then Sabin signs it. The match is on!

Jeff Hardy rolls up Samoa Joe for three points in the Bound For Glory Series.

Christopher Daniels plans to beat his friend Kazarian in the Bound For Glory Series...not only to show him who the leader of Bad Influence really is, but to put his selfishness to an end.

Mr. Anderson beats Magnus by disqualification after Bobby Roode rushes in and hits Mr. Anderson with a steel chair right in front of the ref, before patting Magnus on the shoulder. Anderson wins three points in the Bound For Glory Series while Magnus loses ten!

Bobby Roode is just getting started with his schemes, Magnus forgives the referee of his match and Mickie James starts a potential alliance with the Bro Mans (Robbie E and Jesse Godderz) by asking them to take out James Storm and Gunnar.

Tito Ortiz is here, and he's heading to the ring..

Tito Ortiz shows up. Before he can say anything, Kurt Angle shows up and gives him the "this is my world" conversation he gave to Quentin "Rampage" Jackson. Bully Ray shows up and verbally craps on both men before threatening to slap Tito.

"The Cowboy" James Storm, Gunner and ODB beat Mickie James and the Bro Mans (Robbie E and Jesse Godderz). Afterwards, Mickie beats up ODB, then taunts Gail Kim, who then taunts ODB in return.

Kazarian plans to beat Christopher Daniels tonight.

Bully Ray and Devon plan to beat Chris Sabin and the Main Event Mafia at their own game tonight.

Both Christopher Daniels and Kazarian get themselves counted out for three points each, then Bobby Roode shows up. He drops the steel chair he's carrying, grabs a mike...and starts an alliance with both Daniels and Kazarian!

Chris Sabin's partner is Sting...or so we think. It's really Kurt Angle, and the whole entrance is Angle's attempt at putting one over on Aces and Eights!

Chris Sabin and Kurt Angle beat Aces and Eights (Bully Ray and Devon).

Hardcore Justice is next week!

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