Monday, October 19, 1998

Raw Deal - Raw recap for October 19, 1998


The show starts with confetti and black balloons coming down from the top of the arena. The entire WWF roster heads down to the ring to await an important announcement. WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter shows up, and WWF owner Vince McMahon is brought out by Slaughter, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Slaughter, The Big Boss Man and a policeman with a police dog. Vince states that due to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's actions from last night, there is no WWF Champion. On the night of November 15th, Vince guarantees - and emphasizes the word "guarantees" - that there will be an undisputed WWF champion, for on that night, 16 WWF Superstars will participate in a one-night tournament to determine the next WWF Champion. Vince then focuses on the events of last night, saying if he is an asshole, he is damn proud of it. He then confirms that he did publicly fire "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as he promised, and repeats the same words he told Austin: "Screw you! You're fired!" We then see a freeze frame of Austin's face upon realizing that he was fired. He then mentions that Austin was hunting for a job in reference to Austin's "hunting season" phrase, and tells Austin that if he is to step foot in a WWF event again, he will have to buy a ticket first. He then explains what it was like to fire Austin, and admits that after last night, it felt "pretty damn good" to fire him, then it felt great later that night, and in the following morning, "it was better than sex." Vince then tells the WWF roster why they are in the ring: to learn the same lesson that Austin learned last night, and that hopefully nobody else on the roster will cross the boss, as none of them are as big as he is. Vince then says that Austin's merchandise is quickly selling it out, as it is now a collector's item and that "McMahon 3:16" will be the new expression that will sweep the globe. Vince then explains that McMahon 3:16 says "I've got the brass to fire your ass." The image on the TitanTron then changes to a video image of Austin wearing a camoflauge shirt while sitting in the driver's seat of a truck, pulling out an assault rifle and putting a hat on.

WWF owner Vince McMahon, WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man and the policeman with the police dog head backstage. Vince instructs Big Boss Man to get his family out of the luxury box and out of town, and Vince asks the cameraman to stay in the room so that everything they plan to do will be document. Meanwhile, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is seen cleaning his assault rifle.

We see footage from earlier today of D-Generation X (Chyna, X-Pac, "Road Dogg" Jesse James, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) with Motely Crue.

X-Pac beats "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock. During the match, two policemen read Chyna her rights, handcuff her and escort her out of the arena. Later on, Mankind shows up and distracts Shamrock, and Shamrock drags Mankind into the ring from the apron. Mankind goes for the Mandible Claw, but Shamrock hits him with the belly-to-belly suplex. Shamrock turns around only to run into an X-Factor from X-Pac. X-Pac then runs to the back after this.

The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) wish Chyna good luck as she is placed in the back of an unmarked police car backstage. Two cops tell The Outlaws and X-Pac to head to the back, then find "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in his truck. The cops get friendly with Austin, and even have Austin sign autographs for their children. WWF owner Vince McMahon is angry at what has transpired.

WWF owner Vince McMahon tells the policeman with the dog to arrest Austin, but the policeman says "I didn't come here to endanger my life! Screw you!" and leaves. Vince is distraught.

Before the next match, The Headbangers (Thrasher and Mosh) mock The New Age Outlaws' ("Road Dogg" Jesse James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) pre-match intro, complete with toy replica tag team titles.

The Headbangers (Thrasher and Mosh) beat L.O.D. 2000 (Road Warrior Animal and Darren "Puke" Drozdov) after Road Warrior Hawk inadvertently distracts Droz, causing Mosh to grab the tights during the schoolboy pin. Animal and Droz confront Hawk after the match.

Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco and WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter have to calm WWF owner Vince McMahon down. Patterson offers to head back to out and get some coffee, as do Gerald Brisco and WWF Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter.

WWF owner Vince McMahon hears a knock on the door backstage. It is Mankind, who brings Vince brings Mankind candy and offers to stay in the room with Vince.

The Undertaker shows up with Paul Bearer, having turned on Kane at Judgment Day. The Undertaker confirms that a reconciliation has been made, and that Paul Bearer has come home to lead his ministry of darkness, and he is sure that there are those who cannot understand because they have no vision as to how he and Bearer could get back together. He says that Paul Bearer has vision and the power and the understanding of the powers of darkness, and allowed him to clear his head and refocus on what he is here for. What he and Bearer have now is the beginning of a new era, and they will unleash with the ministry of darkness a plague from which the WWF has never seen, nor will it have ever understood among those who do not relish in the darkness. Those who do not declare shall be declared. Paul Bearer tells Kane he used him. Ever since he was a child, he took care of him like a pet, and says Kane is stupid, weak, mute and has turned his back on him twice, the first time eight weeks ago and the second time last night. He says Kane does not understand the darkness, and that he will never have a use for him again. The Undertaker tells Kane that he knows there is a thought that has been burning in his mind for years: what happened the day he caught on fire. He tells Kane to listen and to listen close, and tells him he was the one who set the fire and set it because he was as weak a child, and says he is weak now. He says he and Bearer have no room for the weak, only for the strong, as only the strong will survive. Kane shows up, pushing out a huge casket on the way to the stage. Kane then pulls out his voice box, and challenges The Undertaker to a Casket Match tonight, and tells The Undertaker that he will rest in peace. Kane then leaves, leaving the casket on the stage.

Backstage, Mankind brings up the idea of re-hiring "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, on the grounds that he was re-hired and that he came back stronger than ever. WWF owner Vince McMahon hates the idea. Mankind then decides to play soem games backstage.

Mankind plays Twister backstage in an attempt to make WWF owner Vince McMahon happier. Vince angrily tells Mankind to get out of the room, and tells him to get out of his life.


Before the next match, Jeff Jarrett is accompanied to the ring by somebody new: Debra McMichael, the former wife of Steve "Mongo" McMichael. (Interestingly, Debra managed Jarrett in World Championship Wrestling before she divorced Mongo and the both of them left the company. Also, Debra is showered by chants of "Show your tits!")

"The Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman beats Jeff Jarrett by disqualification after The Blue Blazer shows up and hits Blackman with a belly-to-belly suplex. Jarrett and the Blazer stomp Blackman before staring at each other, then Jarrett pulls out a guitar from outside of the ring as the Blazer leaves. Al Snow and Head get in the ring, but Jarrett sees them coming and hits Al Snow in the head with the guitar.

WWF owner Vince McMahon suddenly gets a phone call backstage. When he picks it up, he finds out the call is from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who tells him his time is up and that he is coming to get him.

WWF owner Vince McMahon calls his limo driver on the phone, and the person on the other end does not see "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Vince believes Austin is in the building. He tells the driver to back the car up and keep the engine running so he can get to the car, and to scream if he sees Austin. Vince then leaves the room and makes his way backstage to the limo entrance, and sees the limo. He makes his way to the limousine...and Austin - armed with a hunting bow - is on the other side of the limo. Austin scares Vince out of his wince and stops him dead in his tracks, and wheels him back into the building. Vince has fun with VInce, pushing him into things and hurting his ankle in the process. He eventually wheels him back into his own private room.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin asks WWF owner Vince McMahon if he has ever hunted before. Vince says he went to a safari, but he has never shot anything. Austin asks if a pocket knife could handle an elephant.

The Rock beats D'Lo Brown. After the match, The Rock fights "The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry in the ring, and D'Lo Brown joins in. Referees and officials have to keep D'Lo and Henry away from The Rock.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin continues to torment WWF owner Vince McMahon and hold him hostage with his pocket knife, saying he will take him tonight, and when he goes, he will go quickly.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin torments WWF owner Vince McMahon, this time showing off his hunting bow.

Tiger Ali Singh is in the ring. He says he is known for being a bit of a gorumet in his home country, as he eats only the finest meals and delicacies. In America, however, the people eat the most horrible things, such as canned meat, the rump of a cow and pig's intestines. His manservant Babu is quite a chef, but even he does not wish to prepare these meals as they are so disgusting. Tonight is an exception, however, so he can show just how vulgar American appetites are. He then offers $500 to anyone who is able to swallow Babu's kielbasa whole. Babu picks at a woman standing behind Jim Ross, who gets in the ring, takes the kielbasa and sticks it down her throat in a rather sexual manner. She immediately gets her $500 dollars, then does it again. All of a sudden, The Godfather shows up and introduces Singh and Babu to a pimping custom: once a ho takes on a pimp, she pays that pimp for the rest of her life. He then says that the woman with the kielbasa used to be one of her hoes, and a good one, at that. As The Godfather tries to ge tthe money, Singh says he wanted an amateur, not a professional, but The Godfather says that for $500, she could have had her for the whole night...for less. Singh attacks The Godfather, and Babu ends up getting scoop slammed. Referees and officials have to keep The Godfather and Tiger Ali Singh apart.

We see an arrow from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's arrow shot into a picture on the wall. Austin then makes WWF owner Vince McMahon squeal like a pig like in the one scene from Deliverance.

After the commercial break, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin brings up the movie Misery, and notices the 2x4 between his legs. WWF owner Vince McMahon cries for help, but Austin tapes his mouth shut and tapes him to the wheelchair so he can recreate the scene from Misery involving the sledgehammer and the 2x4. Austin then leaves the room to look for a sledgehammer.

Before the next match, Val Venis says a lot of wrestlers have been to Hollywood, but a few years ago when he auditioned for Anaconda, he told the producers "Take a good look at this snake comin' at ya" and a star was on the rise.

Val Venis beats Mankind. Terri Runnels distracts the referee while "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock hits Mankind in the knee with a steel chair from the outside as Mankind has Venis in the Mandible Claw. After the match, Mankind sends Shamrock into the steel steps and over the guardrail, and both men brawl in the crowd before taking it to the back. After they leave, Goldust shows up on the TitanTron, and tells Venis he will shatter his dreams again and again and again. Terri Runnels then whispers something into Venis' ear, and while Terri is happy, Venis is not.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin is still holding WWF owner Vince McMahon. Austin tells Vince he is not here to make him suffer physical pain, and says he has bigger plans than that for him and that he will carry them out tonight. When he is done with Vince, Vince won't feel a thing.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin decides to turn on the television in WWF owner Vince McMahon, and decides to play "You Bet Your Life" with him. He asks Vince to pick either The Undertaker or Kane for the next match. Vince picks Kane. If Kane wins, they will do things the easy way. If there are any other outcomes, they will do things his way.

The Casket Match between The Undertaker and Kane ends with the casket getting ripped apart and The Undertaker following Kane to the back. After the match, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin tells WWF owner Vince McMahon that he just lost, which means that Austin has something he has to do and Vince has to come with him. Vince pleads with Austin not to do what he has in store.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin wheels WWF owner Vince McMahon from his dressing room to the ring. Vince gets in the ring, and is on his knees when Austin mocks him. Austin watches the beginning of tonight's show again on the TitanTron. Austin tells Vince he is pathetic and makes him sick, then asks him a letter that he places in his suit pocket, and that where Vince is going, the devil will be pissed with him. Austin then takes the hunting bow and tells Vince to look up at the TitanTron, as his eyes are fixing to pop out of the front of his head. Austin asks the crowd to give him a "hell yeah" if they want to see Vince's eyes pop out form the front of his head, then Austin pulls out a pistol and points it at the side of his head. He pulls the trigger, and a flag saying "BANG 3:16" pops out of the barrel. Austin then tells Vince that he didn't screw Vince and that it was Vince who screwed Vince. Austin then comes up with a new shirt idea: "McMahon 3:16 says I just pissed my pants." We see the trail of urine on Vince's pants, then Austin hits Vince with a Stone Cold Stunner. The show ends with Austin hitting Vince with another Stunner.

After the show goes off the air, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin puts his foot on top of Vince's back and raises his arms in the air twice. Austin then puts up the middle finger on both hands on the stage. WWF owner Vince McMahon is then seen lying in the center of the ring face down and sobbing, and Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco and WWF Commissioner all try to console Vince as they get him back in the wheelchair and wheel him to the back.

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