Sunday, July 21, 1996

In Your House 9: International Incident - The Results

Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw beats Savio Vega on the Free For All thanks to Uncle Zebekiah. Vega goes after Uncle Zebekiah after the match, but Zebekiah and Bradshaw both attack Vega before Zebekiah brands him again.

Goldust and Marlena head to the ring, and after the Undertaker video package is shown, they guest on commentary. Goldust says that he felt the pain and terror of The Undertaker when he forced him into his own casket, and that The Undertaker will never forget his name. He and Marlena then head back to the back.

Jim Ross holds a debate between Jose Lothario and Jim Cornette. Cornette tells Lothario he only brought him out tonight so he can see just who he thinks he is. He tells Lothario that Vader, The British Bulldog and Owen Hart will win their match because they're the better men, and tells Lothario that he will watch his men lose while warning him not to put his hands on him again unless he wants to get knocked out. Lothario tells Cornette he'll knock him out again if the situation calls for it, and that "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Sycho Sid don't need his help to win. Cornette gets in his face, and swings the racket at him, but Lothario ducks and punches Cornette out again. Vader shows up to confront Lothario, but Shawn Michaels rushes in to protect Lothario. Officials and referees head straight for the ring to keep a brawl from ensuing.

Kevin Kelly interviews "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who says that the wrath of Austin 3:16 unfolded at King of the Ring, and that on the eighth day, God created Stone Cold, and that he will continue to whip ass in the WWF until someone has either the guts and talent or a machine gun to stop him. He also says "Wildman" Marc Mero tried to intentionally end his career when he busted his mouth open, and he's going to whip his ass.

Jim Cornette threatens to sue Jose Lothario if he's knocked out any of his teeth. He also says that if Vader, The British Bulldog and Owen hart don't win tonight, he will personally give everyone watching the pay-per-view their money back. He tells Lothario if he's knocked his teeth out, he'll kill him himself, and that if he wanted a gangfight, he's going to get it. The British Bulldog plans to take business to the ring, and Owen Hart says he's got a cast for everyone. Vader tells "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels he's coming for him.

Before the next match, The Bodydonnas (Skip and Zip) thank Cloudy and everyone who sent their cards in to become their manager, but in the end Cloudy reminded them that they didn't even need a manager and that they need the fans more than anything else. They say it's time to get down to business now that they have the fans behind them.

The Bodydonnnas (Skip and Zip) beat The Smoking Gunns (Billy and Bart Gunn) when Billy Gunn is too busy with Sunny in the ring. During the match, it is announced that Jake "The Snake" Roberts will not be here tonight due to his rib injuries, and that Brian Pillman, ever the loose cannon, is on Option 8 of the WWF Superstar Line.

Mr. Perfect interviews Camp Cornette (Jim Cornette, Vader, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog). Cornette says Jose Lothario pulled a switchblade on him, and that he was lucky to get out of the way of it. The Bulldog says that they're going to take "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Sycho Sid once and for all. Owen Hart brags about attacking Shawn and Ahmed, and he plans to take care of Sid himself.

Mankind beats Henry O. Godwinn with the Mandible Claw.

The Smoking Gunns (Billy and Bart Gunn) and Sunny are on one end of the Superstar Line while The Bodydonnas (Skip and Zip) are on the other with Brian Pillman. Pillman mocks The Bodydonnas, saying Sunny is their only motivation and implying they want to have a threesome with her.

Marlena is on America On-Line...and her usher is doing all the typing.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin beats "Wildman" Marc Mero. During the match, Marlena and her usher show up and hand a letter off to Jerry "The King" Lawler. Bob Backlund is seen campaigning in the crowd after the match, even though tonight's event takes place in Canada.

Tomorrow night on Raw: The Smoking Gunns (Billy and Bart Gunn) defend the WWF Tag Team Championships against "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson!

The Undertaker beats Goldust by disqualification after Mankind rises out of the ring after The Undertaker hits Goldust with the Tombstone Piledriver and Mankind comes out of the ring in the corner, dragging The Undertaker underneath the ring while applying the Mandible Claw. The lights flicker and smoke comes out of the hole in the ring that Mankind has come out of. Unfortunately for Mankind, The Undertaker rises out from underneath the ring on the opposite corner, and The Undertaker fights Mankind, taking it to the back as he does.

SummerSlam is coming to pay-per-view August 18th!

The Undertaker and Mankind continue to fight backstage, which officials trying desperately to break it up. The fight goes into a boiler room, and the camera backstage is knocked out.

Dok Hendrix interviews "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Sycho Sid. He says that Cornette was right when he said that this was going to be a gangfight. Ahmed says the talking is done, and now it's time to walk it. Sycho Sid says the game they play is simple: six men enter, three men leave, and he is the master of it.

When "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels makes his entrance, one of the guardrails near the entrance aisle comes down under the weight of some fans. Everyone continues to give high-fives to Shawn like nothing happened.

It is announced that The Undertaker and Mankind have been sequestered from each other by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and that Mankind will be escorted out of the building.

Camp Cornette (Owen Hart, Vader, The British Bulldog) beat "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Sycho Sid after Jim Cornette grabs Shawn's foot before he can hit the Sweet Chin Music, allowing Vader to take advantage despite Jose Lothario beating up Jim Cornette again. During the match, a fan tries to get into the ring, but he is chased out of the ring by Ahmed and Bulldog. After the match, Shawn's team makes quick work of Camp Cornette.

After the show, Dok Hendrix interviews WWF President Gorilla Monsoon. He's already made a match for SummerSlam: Mankind vs. The Undertaker, saying it's time to settle the score...and this time, they'll start out in the boiler room instead of the ring. Jim Cornette shows up, glad that he didn't have to give the fans their money back, and demands a WWF Championship match between Vader and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, saying that Vader beat Michaels tonight and that he can beat him again.

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