Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Morning Slam Masters - Saturday Morning Slam recap for October 20, 2012

Santino Marella guests on commentary this week.

"The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix tell us: Don't Try This.

Zack Ryder beats Justin Gabriel with an off-camera Rough Ryder. Both men shake hands and show respect after the match.

On this week's Video Vault, we see some of the most slithery Superstars in WWE history: Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Randy Orton.

We hear from Randy Orton. We learn that his nickname "The Viper" comes from his fascination with reptiles.

Daniel Bryan beats Tyson Kidd. Early in the match, Daniel Bryan tries to get out of the match after Tyson Kidd grabs his beard, but Kane shows up and tells Daniel Bryan to get back in the ring. When he does, Tyson Kidd picks him up, but Daniel Bryan escapes and puts Tyson Kidd in an airplane spin. Shortly afterwards, Daniel Bryan rolls himself into a ball, and when Tyson Kidd tries to pin him, he cannot pin his shoulders to the mat. Daniel Bryan extends his hand, and Tyson Kidd grabs it. Daniel Bryan drags him to the mat, then gets him with a crucifix pin as part of a match called "The Lady of the Lake." After the match, Kane takes his half of the WWE Tag Team Championships and celebrates with both belts. Daniel tries to get his belt back, but Kane uses his sheer size to keep Daniel from grabbing it. Kane reluctantly gives his belt back to him, then both men argue over who is the tag team champions as the show ends.

Now go watch Daniel Bryan go to anger management!

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