Saturday, March 29, 1997

Vince's Got A Shotgun - Shotgun Saturday Night recap for March 29, 1997

Mankind beats "The Portuguese Man O'War" Aldo Montoya with the Mandible Claw. After the match, Mankind refuses to let go of the hold, and multiple referees have to get in the ring to pull Mankind off. Gerald Brisco gets in the ring, but Mankind applies the Mandible Claw on him.

Crush beats Barry Horowitz.

Histeria beats Venum.

"Double J" Jesse James beats Sonny Rogers.

The New Blackjacks (Blackjack Bradshaw and Blackjack Windham) beat Rod Bell and R.T. Williams. After the match, Jim Cornette shows up and tries to sign a management contract with The New Blackjacks, but The New Blackjacks tear up his contract, and when Cornette tries to pick up the pieces, Bradshaw holds him down while Windham kicks him square in the rear.

It's time for Sunny Undercover. Sunny says that following his loss to Bret "The Hit Man" Hart, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin not only refused medical attention, but he also verbally abused three paramedics and physically abused their ambulance and tried to get in his own car with a concussion until WWF officials persuaded Austin to leave the driving to them. She also says "the new and improved" Bret would have been more than emotionally handicapped if Sycho Sid got his hands on him, and says that Sid was so angry that he tore the locker room apart in pursuit of Bret only to learn Bret was nowhere in sight, as Bret had left only seconds after the end of the match. As a result, Sid made a beeline to WWF Commissioner Gorilla Monsoon to get a match with Bret, and that the fans will have to wait to find out when it happens. Sunny then asks whose side Paul Bearer is really on, as Bearer trying to side with The Undertaker again may be a ploy for Mankind to get his hands on the WWF Championship. She then says that only a miracle can stop Owen Hart and The British Bulldog from splitting up, and that miracles can happen any time in the WWF. Sunny then says that a few days before the Slammy Awards, a certain WWF official who shall remain nameless came to her and explained to her that she could have a Slammy Award for Ms. Slammy if she just did a few favors for him However, she decided to keep her self-respect and her pride, as she did not need the title that badly. However, somebody else wanted the title of Ms. Slammy so badly that she ended up doing those favors in stead of Sunny. She then says the title doesn't matter to her, and that it is the fans that really matter to her.

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